Welcome to Food Allergy Testing Ltd.

Qualified Food Allergy Testers (Dip AIT) & qualified Naturopathic Nutritionists (Dip NNP)

Food Allergies / Intolerances and their effects on your health

Food allergies & intolerances are linked to your body’s immune system.  The immune system is the body’s natural defence against foreign invaders such as viruses, bacteria and harmful poisons.  When you have a food allergy or are intolerant to a food your body doesn’t completely digest it, which Food Allergy Testing - Food allergy test in South Woodham Ferrers allows incompletely digested food to enter the bloodstream where it is treated as an invader and is targeted by IgG antibodies.  If you are constantly eating the same food to which you have an intolerance to you are continuously putting your immune system and digestive system under stress.  This places a huge demand on energy reserves as the immune system and digestive/detoxification system repeatedly has to work harder to fight these challenging foods.   

Reactions to food can sometimes produce inflammatory conditions and also can produce a whole range of chronic health problems as well as unexplained symptoms.  The symptoms are often masked which means they can mimic the symptoms of every day symptoms such as headaches, fatigue and joint pains.  It is also known that certain food allergies / intolerances produce different reactions every time it's consumed, i.e. a headache one day and then an upset tummy the next.  The foods or substances that often cause masked reactions are often the ones we eat a lot of or crave.  Some foods that we crave may make us feel temporarily better for a while but than have a big pay back later on and because there is a delay in the reaction the individual does not associate it with that particular food.


© Food Allergy Testing Ltd.
South Woodham Ferrers - near Chelmsford - UK